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0 Standardization

from wikipedia

One of the major problems in the SEM space is the difficulty in consistently analyzing event data. Every vendor, and indeed in many cases different products by one vendor, uses a different proprietary event data format and delivery method. Even in cases where a "standard" is used for some part of the chain, like Syslog, the standards don't typically contain enough guidance to assist developers in how to generate events, administrators in how to gather them correctly and reliably, and consumers to analyze them effectively.

As an attempt to combat this problem, a couple parallel standardization efforts are underway. First, The Open Group is updating their circa 1997 XDAS standard, which never made it past draft status. This new effort, dubbed XDAS v2, will attempt to formalize an event format including which data should be included in events and how it should be expressed. The XDAS v2 standard will not include event delivery standards but other standards in development by DMTF may provide a wrapper.
Standardization this article from wikipedia

In addition, MITRE is also in the midst of a standardization effort called CEE that is somewhat broader in scope - it attempts to define an event structure as well as delivery methods.
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0 Security event manager

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A security event manager (SEM) (acronyms SIEM and SIM) is a computerized tool used on enterprise data networks to centralize the storage and interpretation of logs, or events, generated by other software running on the network.[1][2]
SEMs are a relatively new idea, pioneered in 1999 by a small company called e-Security, and in 2010 are still evolving rapidly. Just a year or two ago they were called security information managers (SIMs) and are also called security information and event managers (SIEMs). An adjacent, but somewhat different market also exists for Log Management; although these two fields are closely related, Log Management typically focuses on collection and storage of data whereas SEM focuses on data analysis. Some vendors specialize in one market or the other and some do both, or have complementary products.
Many systems and applications which run on a computer network generate events which are kept in event logs. These logs are essentially lists of activities that occurred, with records of new events being appended to the end of the logs as they occur. Protocols, such as Syslog and SNMP, can be used to transport these events, as they occur, to logging software that is not on the same host on which the events are generated. The better SEMs provide a flexible array of supported communication protocols to allow for the broadest range of event collection.
It is beneficial to send all events to a centralized SEM system for the following reasons:
  • Access to all logs can be provided through a consistent central interface
  • The SEM can provide secure, forensically sound storage and archival of event logs (this is also a classic Log Management function)
  • Powerful reporting tools can be run on the SEM to mine the logs for useful information
  • Events can be parsed as they hit the SEM for significance, and alerts and notifications can be immediately sent out to interested parties as warranted
  • Related events which occur on multiple systems can be detected which would be impossible to detect if each system had a separate log
  • Events which are sent from a system to a SEM remain on the SEM even if the sending system fails or the logs on it are accidentally or intentionally erased
In addition to collecting and storing data, SEMs distinguish themselves from simpler Log Management tools by providing a deeper level of event analysis. This may include attaching contextual information, such as host information (value, owner, location, etc), identity information (user info related to accounts referenced in the event like first/last name, workforce ID, manager's name, etc), and so forth. This contextual information can be leveraged to provide better correlation and reporting capabilities.
SEMs can also integrate with external remediation, ticketing, and workflow tools to assist with the process of incident resolution. The better SEMs will provide a flexible, extensible set of integration capabilities to ensure that the SEM will work with most customer environments.
As SEM deployments move beyond logging infrastructural events from routers, switches, servers, firewalls, and so forth, the ability to properly monitor business applications becomes crucial. Since most applications - especially those developed internally or by external software developers - do not include detailed logging it has become a challenge to incorporate this critical data into SEM products. Potential solutions to this challenge are based on network sniffing or other technologies.
SEMs are often sold to help satisfy U.S. regulatory requirements such as those of Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI-DSS, GLBA; in general the solutions these products can provide extend only to enhanced monitoring and analysis of enterprise computing activity; SEM is not a "magic bullet" for compliance but can be helpful in generating reports to support a limited set of controls.
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0 live streaming royal wedding prince william and kate middleton

live streaming royal wedding prince william and kate middleton

Prince William, Kate Middleton royal wedding: Fairtrade gold for rings

Palace rejects 3D royal wedding option

The loved up couple are getting hitched on April 29. Some of us will get a holiday (Yay!) And some of us wont. (Boo!)

Not everyone will get Royal Wedding public holiday
live streaming royal wedding prince william and kate middleton

live streaming royal wedding prince william and kate middleton 29 Apr 2011
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0 Pangeran Harry, "Best Man" dengan 10 Kharisma - Pangeran William memilih adiknya, Pangeran Harry sebagai best man pada pernikahannya dengan Kate Middleton, 29 April 2011. Kakak beradik ini memang dikenal akrab dan memiliki kedekatan emosional sejak kecil, terutama sepeninggal ibunya, Lady Diana. Apapun alasan yang melatari William memilih Harry, putra bungsu Pangeran Charles- Putri Diana ini memang memiliki kharisma yang tak kalah dengan sang kakak.

10. Pria berseragam yang seksi
Pria berseragam identik dengan kesan seksi. Inilah juga yang didapati dari diri Pangeran Harry. Seksi, bukan sekadar tampilan fisik, namun lebih kepada sosok maskulin. Pangeran Harry terjun langsung di medan perang, berada di garis depan dengan pangkat letnan saat di Afganistan. Galak di medan perang, tak membuat pria kaku di kehidupan pribadi. Inilah yang membuat pria berseragam semakin terlihat seksi. Seperti Pangeran Harry yang akan mendampingi kakaknya, sebagai best man, saat menikahi Kate nanti.

9. Berempati tinggi
Pangeran Harry mewarisi kelembutan hati ibunya, Lady Diana. "Harry memiliki empati tinggi seperti ibunya. Ia mudah berbaur dengan anak-anak dan anak muda," kata pihak kerajaan.

Kelembutan hati Harry terekam dalam gambar saat ia bercengkrama dengan anak perempuan di Afrika Selatan. Pangeran Harry meluncurkan program penggalangan dana, mengenang mendiang Lady Diana, untuk membantu anak-anak yatim piatu yang kehilangan orangtua karena AIDS.

8. Menjadi dirinya sendiri
Pangeran Harry tetap menjadi dirinya sendiri. Sama seperti pria muda lain yang suka bersenang-senang dan kadang-kadang bertingkah seperti anak kecil. Ia juga senang pergi ke klub bersama kakaknya, Pangeran William.

7. Punya nyali
Pangeran Harry mejalani tugas kenegaraan di Afganistan selama 10 minggu pada akhir 2007 lalu. Nyali Pangeran Harry teruji dan terbukti di medan perang ini. "Ia adalah letnan yang berani berada di deretan terdepan menghadapi Taliban. Ia memberikan kontribusi pada negara," jelas jenderal Sir Richard Dannatt.

6. Peduli lingkungan
Sebagai tokoh penting dalam kerajaan, juga di mata dunia, Pangeran Harry menyadari perilakunya menjadi contoh bagi banyak orang. Pangeran Harry menunjukkan kepeduliannya dengan menanam pohon magnolia di British Garden, New York City's Hanover Square, saat kunjungan resmi perdananya ke Amerika Serikat, Juni 2009.

5. Saudara laki-laki terbaik
"Luar biasa rasanya dengan kedekatan kami hingga seperti sekarang ini. Sejak ibu meninggal, ia adalah satu-satunya orang di bumi yang paling bisa saya ajak bicara," Harry mengungkapkan perasaannya terhadap kedekatannya dengan William. Harry dan William, sering terlihat menjalani aktivitas bersama, seperti saat menghadiri konser penggalangan dana di London's Wembley Stadium. Mereka menjadi pembawa acara dalam acara mengenang 10 tahun sepeninggal Lady Diana, pada 2007 lalu.

4. Sosok anak yang pemurah
Meski hubungan pernikahan orangtuanya tak berjalan mulus, Harry tetap mendukung kebahagiaan ayahnya. Saat Pangeran Charles menikahi Camilla Parker Bowles pada 2005, Harry mendukung penuh ayahnya. "Ia adalah perempuan hebat, dan ia membuat ayah saya sangat bahagia, itu yang paling penting," tuturnya kepada People.

3. Apik merawat tubuhnya
Sebagai anggota tentara kerajaan, Pangeran Harry merasa perlu menjaga fisiknya. Pria penggemar rugby ini tertangkap kamera telanjang dada dengan perut berotot yang seksi di gurun selatan Afganistan pada Februari 2008. Perempuan mana yang tak terkesima menyaksikan pemandangan seperti ini?

2. Senang bertualang
Harry, bersama William menikmati kesempatan mengikuti tur kerajaan ke Afrika. Dengan santainya, Harry bercengkrama bersama cheetah di Mokolodi Nature Reserve, Gaborone, Botswana, Juni 2010. Harry adalah tipikal pria yang senang bertualang, mencari pengalaman berbeda di berbagai belahan dunia. Jika ia punya kesempatan melakukan banyak hal, mengapa tak dimanfaatkan, katanya.

1. Penggemar olahraga dan kompetisi
Simak saja pilihan olahraga Pangeran Harry, rugby, ski, polo. Harry menyukai olahraga dengan tantangan dan kompetisi. Pada Juli 2010, Pangeran Harry terdaftar sebagai salah satu peserta Asprey World Class Cup Polom di Surrey, Inggris.

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0 Ver La Reina del Sur Caputilo 35 Online

Ver La Reina del Sur Caputilo 35 Online. La Reina del Sur: The story begins in Culiacan when Teresa gets a call. Tell your boyfriend, "Guero" Davila, has died, so he decides to flee. La Reina del Sur Caputilo 35. Ask for help from Epifanio Vargas, godfather Davila, who is sent to Melilla, Spain to create a new life. That works in a bar and meets a man that is sanctioned, Santiago López Fisterra. He is a smuggler of snuff and hashish between Morocco and Spain over the Strait of Gibraltar, and she began to accompany your trip. After an accident, Fisterra dies, but Teresa survives and is sent to prison.

There he meets O'Farrell Paty, a bisexual woman who falls for her, who was in prison for drug trafficking. After both came out of jail, start a business of drug trafficking by the Straits of Gibraltar with Russian businessmen. Thanks to his skill with numbers and innovation to fashion a "firm" that becomes the most successful drug trafficking in southern Spain. Teresa begins a new relationship with your accountant, Teo Aljarafe, but never comes to love. Upon discovering that he gave information of their business to the government, decides to kill him. This is when the reader discovers that the "Guero" was actually a police officer and commanded Epifanio kill like it. Return to Mexico to go public and prevent re Vargas Sinaloa state senator. After avoiding an assassination attempt in Culiacan, acquires a new identity and disappear.

Soap opera La Reina del Sur chapter 35 telenovela will be broadcasted day Friday April 15, 2011. You can enjoy La Reina del Sur in Televisa channel.
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0 Barcelona Melenggang ke Semifinal

INILAH.COM, Shakhtar- Barcelona memastikan diri melenggang ke semifinal Liga Champions setelah menghancurkan Shakthar Donetsk dengan agregat skor 6-1.
Pada leg kedua, Lionel Messi mencetak satu-satunya gol pada pertandingan ini setelah mengecoh tiga pemain belakang Shakthar di penghujung babak pertama.
Tampil di hadapan pendukungnya yang memadati Stadion Donbass Arena, Shakhtar Donetsk tampil ngotot sejak menit awal. Wakil Ukraina itu tampil cukup dominan dalam hal penguasaan bola.
Meski tergolong berat untuk menutup defisit empat gol di leg pertama, punggawa Shakhtar Donetsk tetap tampil dengan permainan terbaiknya.
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0 siapakah pacar briptu norman

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Bagi wanita yang mengagumi Briptu Norman siap-siap kecewa. Sebabnya, si penggila lagu India ini mengaku sudah mempunyai pacar.
siapakah pacar briptu norman
"Katanya dari Trans7 mau mengajak dia (pacar), mengajak ke sini di acara Empat Mata. Tapi dia nggak mau. Nggak tahu dia nggak mau kenapa," kata Norman saat ditemui di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Selasa (12/4).

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