International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Int J Ind Ergon
Published by Elsevier Science. ISSN: 0169-8141.
The journal covers all aspects of industrial and occupational ergonomics, including such topics as human productivity, work-station design, methods engineering, design-oriented cognitive engineering, musculoskeletal injuries, design of tools, machines, controls and displays, safety, physical/mental stress and fatigue,
modelling of the human body and human response behaviour, environmental stresses, etc. Moreover, the journal encourages the submission of articles dealing with the application of ergonomic principles to advanced manufacturing, such as FMS, interface design and robotics, as well as the submission of non-traditional articles, such as those involving the application of computers and systems methodologies to ergonomics. From time to time, the journal publishes special editions dealing with pressing ergonomic issues.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,ergonomi,ergonomic
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