One of the great things about network marketing is that it can really be a family affair. Many, many husbands and wives work together on their network marketing businesses and love it. But what about the kids? Yes, here are a few ways that you can get your kids involved in and invested in your home based business. (and no we're not breaking any child labor laws here)
1. Find out what their goals and dreams are - As the parent you know what your goals and dreams are but find out what it is that your kids really want and make it clear that you are working to make their dreams come true as well.
2. Have them make dinner one night - Once a week let your kids make dinner and use that time that you would have spent cooking working on your business a bit longer. It's a short amount of time but it's an easy way for them to help out.
3. Learn about the internet from them - MLMers pay good money to learn how to market online. But if you have a teenager in your home you could probably be learning for free! Let them teach you what they know about different websites and different ways of marketing. You are sure to learn something.
4. Set family goals - Let your kids in on your goals. It can be something big like going on a long family vacation or something simple like "when I get 2 more sign ups this week we're going to go out and get ice cream" whatever the goal make sure each family member knows what you are working towards and make it something they can get excited about.
5. Give each child a job using their talents - Depending of course on the age of your child you can give each one a little job that helps out the family business. Maybe one of them is good at video editing. So you could shoot some Youtube videos and then let them edit and upload them to youtube. Perhaps you have a writer in the family, have them write a couple good blog posts or marketing articles every month. By giving them each a small job that they are responsible for they will really feel like you all are accomplishing your goals together.
When you're working together as a family and accomplishing your goals as a family it will make your success just that much sweeter!
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Dan Himes
Samsung Galaxy S3 Dipastikan Rilis Pada 3 Mei
12 years ago
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