A lot of bloggers make money with their blogs by placing ads on them. But should you do that if you're trying to promote a home based business blog? I know that a lot of people have very different opinions on this topic and I'm not claiming to be the number one expert on the subject but I say why the heck not?
If you can get paid to blog about your business why wouldn't you do it? Yes, I know ads can be really annoying on certain blogs but I feel that as long as you put the ads in a place where they aren't going to obstruct people from reading your blog content then you might as well do it. Also, it might be a good idea to control the ads that go on your blog. I obviously wouldn't let an ad for a rival home based business go on my business blog but if they are other types of ads that aren't competing with your own business I say go for it.
It is of course a very personal choice and I admit that sometimes it's nice to go to a website that doesn't have a million and one ads to deal with. However, I just think that if you can make money doing something that you should be doing for your business anyway you might as well take advantage. Especially if you are going to use that money to put towards more marketing for your home based business.
The one type of ad that I would steer clear of though is the pop up ad. Not only are those incredibly annoying but they can really mess with the effectiveness of your blog. Many people avoid sites that have pop us like the plague and you want to encourage people to come back to your blog not keep them away.
If you do choose to put ads on your blog find out the best way to control the ads that are going up there. And also make sure that you have spaces set out for advertisements and that they aren't going to distract people from the content of your blog.
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Dan Himes
Samsung Galaxy S3 Dipastikan Rilis Pada 3 Mei
12 years ago
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