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0 new branding mnc television

new branding mnc television
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0 Converting from one TV system to another

Converting from one TV system to another
Main article: Television standards conversion

Converting between different numbers of lines and different frequencies of fields/frames in video pictures is not an easy task. Perhaps the most technically challenging conversion to make is from any of the 625-line, 25-frame/s systems to system M, which has 525 lines at 29.97 frames per second. Historically this required a frame store to hold those parts of the picture not actually being output (since the scanning of any point was not time coincident). In more recent times, conversion of standards is a relatively easy task for a computer.

Aside from the line count being different, it's easy to see that generating 60 fields every second from a format that has only 50 fields might pose some interesting problems. Every second, an additional 10 fields must be generated seemingly from nothing. The conversion has to create new frames (from the existing input) in real time.

There are several methods used to do this, depending on the desired cost and conversion quality. The simplest possible converters simply drop every 5th line from every frame (when converting from 625 to 525) or duplicate every 4th line (when converting from 525 to 625), and then duplicate or drop some of those frames to make up the difference in frame rate. More complex systems include inter-field interpolation, adaptive interpolation, and phase correlation.
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0 How to Start Your Internet TV Channel By Michael T Tasner

Step 1: Develop your station mind map so you know where you're headed.

• What do you want to get out of your TV station?
• What content do you want to provide?
• What will be your hours of operation?
• When will you be live versus pre-recorded?
• Create a schedule of events and topics.

Step 2: Get a domain.

I recommend getting a domain name just for this endeavor..Tv domain names have been the most popular for anything related to a TV station. What you need to keep in mind is does not stand for television. It is actually the extension for Tuvalu, the Polynesian island nation.

Step 3: Hire a good team to design and code a Web site.

• It should look like a typical Web site. The difference: in the middle of the screen, there should be a large TV that is streaming your video or broadcasting live.
• Publicize your sponsors.
• Have different sections on your Web site where people can browse your products and services, learn more about you, contact you and all the other typical options.
• Change your site often to reflect current promotions and features.

Step 4: Set up a dedicated area for filming.

Since you will be doing both pre-recorded and live videos, you should have an area in your home office (or an off-site office) that is decked out with all the necessary equipment and will look great on film.

Step 5: Purchase suitable equipment for recording video and broadcasting live
You can get all of this for under $2000:

• An HD camera is recommended.
• Audio equipment: microphone, headset, clipped microphone, or even some wireless audio equipment.
• Lighting: invest in some great lights.
• Green screens. (These are great as it allows for easier editing of video and still photos.)
• Teleprompter, if you want to read from a script.
• Connect your camera to your computer, and get ready to stream live!

Step 6: Get a good Web site host that can handle the bandwidth and the constant streaming of video.
Some good companies include:


Step 7: Record content you can load onto the station.

Don't think you need hundreds of hours of content to launch your station. You can start with just a few hours of content. Reread the ideas for the live events in the earlier part of the chapter for content ideas and things you can do live or pre-record.

Other content ideas:

• Webcam broadcasting 24/7 (or in certain hours).
• Other people's content you can use (with permission).
• Old video recordings.
• Testimonials from clients and customers.

Step 8: Keep in mind you don't need to have content up 24/7.

• We have four hours of pre-recorded content daily, two hours of live stuff and some commercials mixed in.
• We let that content repeat for six hours.
• We then have 12 hours where there is nothing more than a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and some music.

The reason we have done this is we have found the times when people were browsing the station. There is no reason to put up content if very few people are on your Web site at a given time! If your audience is largely global, and in different time zones, you will want to consider having a larger amount of content at different times.

Step 9: Host some live events.

Live events are a great draw as we talked about previously. The difference is you will be hosting your events on your Web site rather than appearing on someone else's.

Step 10: Promote your hot new TV channel everywhere.
And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere.

• Link it on your Web sites, social sites and beyond.
• Send out multiple press releases using a service like
• Partner with some other people in exchange for free advertising.

Step 11: Step it up a notch!
As your station becomes more popular you can start commanding a variety features and money-making opportunities:

• Paid advertising.
• Banner ads on your site.
• High-profile guest interviews. Heck, maybe you will become the next Oprah!

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Online Marketing Expert, Michael Tasner is an in-demand, dynamic keynote speaker on internet marketing, social media marketing expert and business Strategy. Now is the time to hire internet marketing guru Michael to speak at your next conference.
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0 Twitter settles FTC charges

Twitter has agreed to implement a number of security measures to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that the social network failed to protect users’ personal information.

Two security breaches exposed the data of dozens of Twitter users — including the account of then-President-elect Barack Obama — in early 2009. The FTC filed a complaint charging that hackers seized control of administrative accounts, viewed nonpublic information and sent fraudulent tweets.

One tweet was sent from Obama’s account, offering more than 150,000 followers a chance to win $500 in free gasoline. Another fake tweet was sent from the account of Fox News, according to the FTC complaint.

Twitter announced Thursday that it will prevent further breaches of administrative accounts by requiring employees to use hard-to-guess passwords and to reset them regularly, for example, under its settlement with the FTC. It will also have its privacy practices audited by third parties and comply with detailed record-keeping processes for up to 20 years.

“When a company promises consumers that their personal information is secure, it must live up to that promise,” said David Vladeck, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Consumers who use social networking sites may choose to share some information with others, but they still have a right to expect that their personal information will be kept private and secure.”

The FTC’s 11-month investigation of Twitter — the first the agency has brought against a social networking service — is a sign of the federal government’s increased scrutiny of the privacy practices of Internet companies. The hacks against Twitter were relatively minor — about 55 accounts were compromised — compared with more recent breaches that, for example, exposed as many as 100,000 iPad users’ information on AT&T’s network. No formal complaint has been opened on that incident.

Privacy advocates have also complained about Google and Facebook for exposing personal data when the companies rolled out new services or changed privacy policies without sufficient notification to consumers. Both companies said they tried to remedy the problems, but it raised the ire of some in Congress who want to legislate new safeguards for online

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* Barack Obama,
* Facebook,
* Twitter,
* FCC,
* Google,
* Privacy,
* Consumer Protection,
* David Vladeck,
* Tweets
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0 Ceramah ramadhan 1431 h tahun 2010 m

Ceramah ramadhan 1431 h tahun 2010 m
Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

alhamdulillah segala puji bagi Allah yang telam memberikan segala kenikmatanya kepada kita semua sehingga kita masih diberikan kesempatan untuk menjalankan bulan suci ramadhan 1431 h ini
tak lupa sho;awat da salam semoga selalu terlimpah kepada junjungan kita nabi besar Muhammad saw, keluarga, sahabat serta para pengikutnya hingga akhir ramadhan
marhaban yaaa ramadhan bulan suci umat muslim insya Allah 2 hari lagi akan datang, tiada waktu dan tiada guna selain menggunakan sebaik mungkin bulan suci tahun ini untuk memperbaiki amal dan ibadah kita

dalam tulisan pertama ini yaitu tentang keistimewaan orang yang berpuasa

Rasulullah Saw. bersabda:

“Sesungguhnya di dalam surga terdapat satu pintu yang dinamakan pintu ‘al-Rayan’ yang hanya dimasuki oleh orang-orang yang berpuasa. Ditanyakan (oleh pintu tersebut): ‘Di manakah orang-orang yang berpuasa?’ Maka mereka pun masuk dari pintu tersebut. Setelah semua orang yang berpuasa memasukinya, pintu itu pun ditutup dan tak akan ada lagi yang masuk melaluinya.”

(HR. Muslim, dari Sahl Ibn Sa’d).
Dalam hadis tersebut Nabi Saw menerangkan keutamaan puasa dan kedudukan orang-orang yang berpuasa di sisi Allah. Atas keikhlasan dan kesabaran mereka dalam menjalankan ibadah puasa-dengan menahan lapar dan dahaga, mengendalikan hawa nafsu dengan sekuat tenaga, maka Allah mengistimewakan mereka dengan memasukkan mereka ke dalam surga melalui pintu khusus yang bernama “Al-Rayyan”. Kata ini berasal dari bentuk infinitif al-ray yang berarti pengairan, segar, dan juga pemandangan yang indah. Nama ini sesuai dengan keadaan orang-orang puasa yang menahan dirinya dari makan dan minum. Dan dahaga inilah yang lebih dominan dirasakan oleh orang yang sedang berpuasa dibanding rasa lapar.
Hal itu merupakan penghormatan dari Allah, Sang Pemelihara Alam kepada orang-orang yang berpuasa. Juga merupakan balasan bagi mereka atas keikhlasan menjalankan ibadah. Telah dimaklumi bahwa Allah akan menanggung pahala orang-orang yang berpuasa, sebagaimana dalam sebuah hadis:

“Puasa untuk-Ku, dan Akulah yang akan membalasnya.”

Pahala dan balasan Allah bagi orang-orang yang berpuasa adalah penuh, besar, dan tiada terhitung. Ada pun masuknya orang-orang yang berpuasa melalui pintu al-Rayyan ini merupakan tambahan pahala dan penghormatan semata.
Benar, surga mempunyai banyak pintu, di antaranya pintu bagi orang-orang yang taat menjalankan salat, pintu bagi orang-orang yang giat berjihad, pintu bagi orang-orang yang ikhlas berpuasa-yaitu al-Rayyan sebagaimana telah kita bicarakan, dan di antaranya ada pintu khusus bagi orang-orang yang suka bersedekah.
Dari Abi Hurairah ra., Rasulullah saw. bersabda:

“Barang siapa memberi nafkah isterinya di jalan Allah, maka akan dipanggil dari pintu surga, ‘Wahai Hamba Allah! Ini adalah pintu kebaikan.’ Barangsiapa termasuk ahli salat, maka akan dipanggil dari pintu al-Shalah. Barangsiapa termasuk ahli jihad, maka akan dipanggil dari pintu al-Jihad. Barangsiapa termasuk ahli puasa, maka akan dipanggil dari pintu al-Rayyan. Dan barangsiapa termasuk ahli sedekah, maka akan dipanggil dari pintu al-Shadaqah. Abu Bakar lantas berkata, ‘Demi engkau dan ibuku (ummul mukminin), ya, Rasulullah! Apakah seseorang harus dipanggil dari pintu-pintu itu, dan adakah seseorang yang dipanggil dari pintu-pintu itu seluruhnya?’ Rasulullah menjawab, ‘Iya. Dan aku berharap semoga engkau termasuk dari mereka.”

(HR. al-Bukhari).
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1 How to Make Money Watching Television By Bright E. Esiuke

television Everyone loves to watch TV. Everybody watches TV for entertainment, but no one knows that watching Television can give money as well. There are some methods by which you can earn money by watching.

1. You can create blog or forum about TV shows and other programs. Add reviews and article about television programs. Articles should be keyword rich so more visitors can visit your website by the help of search engine. Add Advertisements on your and are free site to get help for this purpose. Sell DVDs and other stuff. When, someone buys these things by the help of your site, you get paid by online merchants.

2. Post your site on TV show fan site bulletin boards. This would help you to generate more traffic for your site.

3. You can earn more by the help of Google's AdSense.

4. Join the sites about TV shows. Add your reviews and articles there, so that more users can read them. This would give you money.

5. Certain advertising companies may give you the job to check the quality of their ads on TV networks. If you want to earn by watching TV, you can offer your services for such companies. These companies need exact feedback of TV viewers about their ads. This is a really easy way to make money by watching TV.

6. TV stations, producers and national television networks need to know the response and comments of viewers about their shows. You can provide them your services. You can make money by watching TV and their programs, and you can provide reviews about the programs.

7. TV advertising companies give you more money about collecting the information for popular programs. This is an easy way to earn money by watching TV.

8. All business companies and manufacturers want to know about their ads and their quality, rate of popularity of ads, suitable time for ads and duration of ads, so for this reason, they need a constant TV watcher to monitor the quality and feedback for ads. You can earn money by watching TV and providing these reviews to them.

9. Shopping TV channels such as HSN and QVC, give you products at low cost. Buy them and sell them on eBay and other sites with profit and earn money by watching TV.

10. Write comments about TV shows and commercials. Share them at Helium or Associated Content. These sites pay you for your posts to 1.50$. However, it depends upon the page views, written by you. The more your page is visited, more you earn.
These are some easy ways to make money by watching TV. According to a survey, in USA, an average person watches TV for 3-5 hours daily. Now, it depends upon you to make money while watching TV or not.

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0 How to Get Your Kids Involved in Your Network Marketing Business By Dan T Himes Platinum Quality Author

One of the great things about network marketing is that it can really be a family affair. Many, many husbands and wives work together on their network marketing businesses and love it. But what about the kids? Yes, here are a few ways that you can get your kids involved in and invested in your home based business. (and no we're not breaking any child labor laws here)

1. Find out what their goals and dreams are - As the parent you know what your goals and dreams are but find out what it is that your kids really want and make it clear that you are working to make their dreams come true as well.

2. Have them make dinner one night - Once a week let your kids make dinner and use that time that you would have spent cooking working on your business a bit longer. It's a short amount of time but it's an easy way for them to help out.

3. Learn about the internet from them - MLMers pay good money to learn how to market online. But if you have a teenager in your home you could probably be learning for free! Let them teach you what they know about different websites and different ways of marketing. You are sure to learn something.

4. Set family goals - Let your kids in on your goals. It can be something big like going on a long family vacation or something simple like "when I get 2 more sign ups this week we're going to go out and get ice cream" whatever the goal make sure each family member knows what you are working towards and make it something they can get excited about.

5. Give each child a job using their talents - Depending of course on the age of your child you can give each one a little job that helps out the family business. Maybe one of them is good at video editing. So you could shoot some Youtube videos and then let them edit and upload them to youtube. Perhaps you have a writer in the family, have them write a couple good blog posts or marketing articles every month. By giving them each a small job that they are responsible for they will really feel like you all are accomplishing your goals together.

When you're working together as a family and accomplishing your goals as a family it will make your success just that much sweeter!

Thank you for reading! I enjoy working from my computer and would love to share more information with you please take a moment to review my website!
Dan Himes
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0 Should I Put Ads on My Home Business Blog? By Dan T Himes Platinum Quality Author

A lot of bloggers make money with their blogs by placing ads on them. But should you do that if you're trying to promote a home based business blog? I know that a lot of people have very different opinions on this topic and I'm not claiming to be the number one expert on the subject but I say why the heck not?

If you can get paid to blog about your business why wouldn't you do it? Yes, I know ads can be really annoying on certain blogs but I feel that as long as you put the ads in a place where they aren't going to obstruct people from reading your blog content then you might as well do it. Also, it might be a good idea to control the ads that go on your blog. I obviously wouldn't let an ad for a rival home based business go on my business blog but if they are other types of ads that aren't competing with your own business I say go for it.

It is of course a very personal choice and I admit that sometimes it's nice to go to a website that doesn't have a million and one ads to deal with. However, I just think that if you can make money doing something that you should be doing for your business anyway you might as well take advantage. Especially if you are going to use that money to put towards more marketing for your home based business.

The one type of ad that I would steer clear of though is the pop up ad. Not only are those incredibly annoying but they can really mess with the effectiveness of your blog. Many people avoid sites that have pop us like the plague and you want to encourage people to come back to your blog not keep them away.

If you do choose to put ads on your blog find out the best way to control the ads that are going up there. And also make sure that you have spaces set out for advertisements and that they aren't going to distract people from the content of your blog.

Thank you for reading! I enjoy working from my computer and would love to share more information with you please take a moment to review my website!
Dan Himes
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0 How to Use Voicemail Broadcasting to Increase Traffic to Your Website By Theresa Johnson

The Truth

Be honest, you don't actually believe that the top earner in your business is building a huge team by calling family and friends to join their business?

So, how are they able to add hundreds of people to their organization daily or weekly virtually on autopilot?

Many of you have put an honest effort into growing your online or offline business but have not reaped the rewards of success.

You may even ask yourself at some point "what are the top gurus in network marketing doing to grow huge teams".

There is one thing that I know for certain many top income earners are doing that may come as a surprise to you. This information was made public a few months ago to me while on a training call with a well known Internet Marketer. I can tell you when he said this I almost fell out of my chair.

The one thing most "gurus" in network marketing are doing to grow huge team is buying voicemail broadcasting.

There it is...right there for you in black and white.

The purpose of this article is to review voicemail broadcasting and how it can increase traffic to your website and result in thousands of dollars in sales to your business virtually within minutes.

Voicemail Broadcasting Explained

Voicemail Broadcasting is by far the most effective, easy-to-use and cost effective lead generation tool you can use to grow your business!

Voicemail broadcasting allows you to deposit thousands of 30-45 second message regarding your business, product or service into your prospects voicemail.

Simply record a 30-45 second voicemail which entices your prospects to want to learn more about your business. Your prospect has the option of either pressing #1 to receive more information on your product or they can press #2 to be removed and added to your Do Not Call List.

There are typically two types of messages recorded. A live message would be for a prospect who answers the telephone. This message would typically instruct the caller to press the number one to be transfer to a live operator. A machine message would give the call a bit more information and may include the company website.

Once the message is recorded you will then upload a list of telephone leads into your selected system and press send. It really is that simple.

What Should You Look For In A Voice Broadcasting System?

Voicemail broadcasting has been a service used by large companies and individuals with deep pockets. Companies were paying thousands of dollars for equipment to launch your campaign. Even today there are services that will charge you thousands of dollars for access to their system and .15-.20 cents per connected call. For many marketers this is simply too expensive.

Many voicemail broadcasting systems come with free MLM and/or Business to Business leads; however, I recommend purchasing premium leads and uploading them into the system.

When researching voicemail broadcasting systems to use you want to review the following checklist to ensure your service is cost effective:

• Month to month membership. No contracts!
• Record messages directly in your back office
• You can choose to hire a professional speaker to record for you
• Included pre-recorded phone scripts that you can simply upload into your system
• Provides videos trainings and webinars to help get you started quickly
• High Tech "Easy-To-Use" Web Interface to manage your campaigns
• Web and email support
• Full "real-time" call reporting to keep track of how your campaigns are doing
• Test calls to check your messages before you send them out
• Checks your imported lists against the Do Not Call List (DNC)
• Use of the cell phone list blocker
• Caller ID function
• List Upload Function
• Easy Campaign Management
• Send blasts you out at pre-designated work schedule by hour and day
• You select the number of phone lines used
• Wholesale pricing on phone broadcast time. 1.8 cents per call would be ideal.
• Free Access to millions of genealogy and business opportunity phone numbers
• Ability to use your own lists
• Premium business opportunity survey leads at below wholesale

What Time Is The Right Time To Call A Prospect?

Pay attention to your prospects time zone. You don't want to call prospects too early in the morning or too late at night. 9am - 5pm would be considered a decent time to contact prospects.

How To Handle Negative Caller or Message

You will get individuals who prefer not to receive calls. If you set up a voicemail, it can also serve as a sorter to give your prospects more information about your business, product or service. Individuals who do not want to receive your message will either press 2 or leave you a message informing you to remove them from your list. If you should receive a live call from a prospect requesting to be removed from your list simply be polite and let the individual know that you will add them immediately. Make sure to write down the prospects telephone number and add them to the Do Not Call List if one is provided by your voicemail broadcasting service. Another suggestion would be to hire a telephone answer service to be used as a buffer. You can set up your voicemail broadcast to transfer calls to a live operator (answering service). The answering service can then transfer only qualified prospects to you who are interested in hearing more about your business, product or service.

All types of businesses use voicemail broadcasting and can be an essential tool in helping you develop prospects, customers or leads for your business. I have received recorded calls from other online marketers, politicians, doctor's office to remind me of an appointment and auto dealerships. Adding a voicemail broadcasting system to your marketing arsenal will help you take your business to the next level.

Theresa Johnson is a savvy internet marketing who seeks cost effective ways to promote online businesses. A former Career Advisor for a private college, Theresa is now a full time professional mentor to home based business owners and teaches individuals how to earn thousands of dollars daily using passive income sources. For more information on voice broadcasting check out her latest blog at
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0 Online Broadcasting Education Opportunities By Renata McGee

The world of communication opens various avenues to pursue for an education. Online education opportunities are making it easier for individuals who need more flexibility to obtain a degree. A broadcasting degree can be obtained from many online accredited colleges, and can prepare students to enter the workforce by teaching them how to be a vital member of the communications industry. There are a number of things to learn prior to enrolling in an educational program.

1. Most online colleges offer degree distinctions for dedicated individuals from an associate's to a bachelor's degree. Some schools go a step further and give the option for students to attend a graduate program. Many of the graduate programs allow students to obtain a master's degree in broadcast journalism. Through each level of education students will learn the ins and outs of news dissemination using audio and video to relay information to an audience.

2. Many of the online distance learning programs provide students with a thorough curriculum. Online broadcasting programs specifically focus their courses to teach students the foundations of the industry, and allow them to experience the fast paced world of technology as it relates to communication through broadcasting. Many of the courses will help students by training them in media issues, production of audio, entertainment, production of video, videography, editing, and more. These skills will help a degree holding individual in the job market because the broadcasting side of communications centers on the knowledge of technology to present news. The ability to use technology to present media in an interesting way is an important factor that online colleges teach in their programs.

3. Students can gain a bachelor's degree in broadcasting from a wide range of online schools. Some colleges specifically focus on the broadcasting degree making each class incredibly focused on the subject. In programs where the main focus is on the broadcasting side of communication courses may be longer, but the program will consist of fewer courses. A student may enroll in a program like this that has 14 courses. These courses can include radio and TV operations, broadcast journalism and news, public relation strategies, and more. Many bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete. However, online courses are taken at an individual pace and some students could finish the program in less time.

4. A four-year program or bachelors' program will prepare students in a variety of ways. In the first year, students will learn about the history, organization, TV, radio, and Internet technologies that make up the industry. This basis is essential for students to understand how all media works together to create broadcasting. The second year of education will have students diving into writing, production, sound design, and more. These aspects will be crucial to show students what it is they will be doing in their chosen career. In the remaining two years students will work in a variety of ways to create examples of their work to be used in a professional portfolio. A portfolio is important because it provides samples of your work to potential employers.

Gaining an accredited online education in broadcasting leaves multiple career options open. Broadcasting includes a wide range of jobs like TV reporting, sports reporting, camera work, audio work, and much more. Accreditation is provided to schools and colleges that meet certain criteria. Full accreditation can provide proof that a quality education is available. Agencies like The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training ( and other agencies are approved to accredit educational training programs. Don't let your passion of technology or news pass you by. Search online colleges for a program that fits your career goals.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

Renata McGee is a staff writer for Visit to locate Online Broadcasting Schools and Colleges that provide the education you're looking for., your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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0 How to Use Voicemail Broadcasting to Increase Traffic to Your Website By Theresa Johnson Theresa Johnson Level: Basic PLUS Theresa Johnson is an internet marketer and publisher of the Wealth Creators Ezine; an ezine for network and internet marketers. Over the last 13 years, ... Article Word Count:

The Truth

Be honest, you don't actually believe that the top earner in your business is building a huge team by calling family and friends to join their business?

So, how are they able to add hundreds of people to their organization daily or weekly virtually on autopilot?

Many of you have put an honest effort into growing your online or offline business but have not reaped the rewards of success.

You may even ask yourself at some point "what are the top gurus in network marketing doing to grow huge teams".

There is one thing that I know for certain many top income earners are doing that may come as a surprise to you. This information was made public a few months ago to me while on a training call with a well known Internet Marketer. I can tell you when he said this I almost fell out of my chair.

The one thing most "gurus" in network marketing are doing to grow huge team is buying voicemail broadcasting.

There it is...right there for you in black and white.

The purpose of this article is to review voicemail broadcasting and how it can increase traffic to your website and result in thousands of dollars in sales to your business virtually within minutes.

Voicemail Broadcasting Explained

Voicemail Broadcasting is by far the most effective, easy-to-use and cost effective lead generation tool you can use to grow your business!

Voicemail broadcasting allows you to deposit thousands of 30-45 second message regarding your business, product or service into your prospects voicemail.

Simply record a 30-45 second voicemail which entices your prospects to want to learn more about your business. Your prospect has the option of either pressing #1 to receive more information on your product or they can press #2 to be removed and added to your Do Not Call List.

There are typically two types of messages recorded. A live message would be for a prospect who answers the telephone. This message would typically instruct the caller to press the number one to be transfer to a live operator. A machine message would give the call a bit more information and may include the company website.

Once the message is recorded you will then upload a list of telephone leads into your selected system and press send. It really is that simple.

What Should You Look For In A Voice Broadcasting System?

Voicemail broadcasting has been a service used by large companies and individuals with deep pockets. Companies were paying thousands of dollars for equipment to launch your campaign. Even today there are services that will charge you thousands of dollars for access to their system and .15-.20 cents per connected call. For many marketers this is simply too expensive.

Many voicemail broadcasting systems come with free MLM and/or Business to Business leads; however, I recommend purchasing premium leads and uploading them into the system.

When researching voicemail broadcasting systems to use you want to review the following checklist to ensure your service is cost effective:

• Month to month membership. No contracts!
• Record messages directly in your back office
• You can choose to hire a professional speaker to record for you
• Included pre-recorded phone scripts that you can simply upload into your system
• Provides videos trainings and webinars to help get you started quickly
• High Tech "Easy-To-Use" Web Interface to manage your campaigns
• Web and email support
• Full "real-time" call reporting to keep track of how your campaigns are doing
• Test calls to check your messages before you send them out
• Checks your imported lists against the Do Not Call List (DNC)
• Use of the cell phone list blocker
• Caller ID function
• List Upload Function
• Easy Campaign Management
• Send blasts you out at pre-designated work schedule by hour and day
• You select the number of phone lines used
• Wholesale pricing on phone broadcast time. 1.8 cents per call would be ideal.
• Free Access to millions of genealogy and business opportunity phone numbers
• Ability to use your own lists
• Premium business opportunity survey leads at below wholesale

What Time Is The Right Time To Call A Prospect?

Pay attention to your prospects time zone. You don't want to call prospects too early in the morning or too late at night. 9am - 5pm would be considered a decent time to contact prospects.

How To Handle Negative Caller or Message

You will get individuals who prefer not to receive calls. If you set up a voicemail, it can also serve as a sorter to give your prospects more information about your business, product or service. Individuals who do not want to receive your message will either press 2 or leave you a message informing you to remove them from your list. If you should receive a live call from a prospect requesting to be removed from your list simply be polite and let the individual know that you will add them immediately. Make sure to write down the prospects telephone number and add them to the Do Not Call List if one is provided by your voicemail broadcasting service. Another suggestion would be to hire a telephone answer service to be used as a buffer. You can set up your voicemail broadcast to transfer calls to a live operator (answering service). The answering service can then transfer only qualified prospects to you who are interested in hearing more about your business, product or service.

All types of businesses use voicemail broadcasting and can be an essential tool in helping you develop prospects, customers or leads for your business. I have received recorded calls from other online marketers, politicians, doctor's office to remind me of an appointment and auto dealerships. Adding a voicemail broadcasting system to your marketing arsenal will help you take your business to the next level.

Theresa Johnson is a savvy internet marketing who seeks cost effective ways to promote online businesses. A former Career Advisor for a private college, Theresa is now a full time professional mentor to home based business owners and teaches individuals how to earn thousands of dollars daily using passive income sources. For more information on voice broadcasting check out her latest blog at

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0 Access All the World Cup Matches With Your Satellite Television By John R. Harrison

For the first time the United States is starting to take a healthy interest in the World Cup. We are late to the game in the sense that the rest of the world has loved soccer since the game was invented. It's hard to say why the sport never seemed to take off in popularity here the way that it has in the rest of the world. Perhaps it is because there are so many other sports that the United States is also interested in. Our interest in sports is too spread around and perhaps fans have felt they didn't have enough room for another. Well all that might have been true up until recently. The league in the United States has been growing in size and in popularity a lot over the last several years. Maybe it's for this reason that more people in the United States are tuning into the World Cup games this year. People finally have some passion behind their team and therefore they want to know that they can have access to the World Cup games on television.

If you have a package with a satellite TV company then you are in business as far as access to the games. Satellite TV has made sure that every game, no matter what country is playing, will be able to be viewed by their package. Even better, the games are also being offered in high definition. And not just the United States games either, every single one of the 64 World Cup matches will be offered in high def. If you think that is amazing, there is more. Eleven out of those 64 games will be offered in 3D HD. If you thought regular high def made you feel like you were right there in the action, the 3D option certainly steps it up a notch. You will feel like you are right there on the pitch with the players. This is a great way to enjoy the game with friends and some of the best matches are being offered in this form.

If you have been following the World Cup thus far you know that this year it's anybody's match. Teams that were "supposed" to win have lost at the hands of supposedly inferior teams. Although these kinds of upsets as disappointing to the fans of a particular country, they are also what keeps the World Cup exciting and interesting to watch. After all, who wants to watch a sports championship where everything happens exactly as you predict? It's more exciting when you have some unexpected surprises. This year's World Cup is certainly delivering on the surprises. If you have been missing out on the games so far, now is the time to start tuning in. By the end of the 2010 World Cup you might even find that you have fallen in love with the most popular sport worldwide. Soccer, football, or fรบtbol, whatever you call it this is the most exciting event, so don't miss out!

A cable tv package won't give you the kind of HD coverage you will get with satellite TV. Incredible packages and the best sports coverage is offered exclusively through directstartv.

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0 Turner Classic Movies Schedule - Watch Classic Movies By Wendy Pan

Turner Classic Movies Schedule is planned with much thought in mind. That's obvious from the movies run on many cable TV stations. During the recent Halloween scheduling, as an example, some of the finest horror movies set the mood with movies that moved from time-honored films that starred Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi and Lon Cheney to more recent classic productions. It was a horror-film fan's fantasy and much appreciated by this genre audience. The time spread also accommodated the movie-viewing audience as well. Old movies blended with "neo-classics" so that all horror film tastes were covered to everyone's satisfaction and enjoyment.

Turner Classic Movies Schedule also provides a glimpse into background of movie stars, some with co-star's interviews and comments. This provides a more complete look at how a particular movie was filmed and other incidental events. The schedule seems to be a collage of themes at times. Yet, the themes are inter-related and woven seamlessly into a tight schedule presentation.

There is also available at a very reasonable cost, a printed schedule of upcoming programming for audience convenience and review. It's a handy guide that offers an advance look at the types of films to be aired. It's on subscription basis, similar to any television guide to programming might offer. It's a must for those who rely upon Turner Classic Movies Schedule for their viewing preferences. It's annoying to have a favorite movie air and find you've missed it. There's nothing like settling back into an easy chair and watching a movie favorites or enjoying the discovery of a movie you've never seen before.

The program hosts also add an attractive overall presentation of the movie to be aired. Yet, unlike some venues, the hosts are not obstructive and don't interfere with the pleasure of expectancy of a great film to be viewed. There's very little commercial interruption and the program schedules are not time constricted. So, movies can be viewed at any time with complete satisfaction.

The quality of Turner Classic Movies Schedule is top notch, reliable and very diverse. Once you subscribe to the movies guide, programming is at your finger tips. Most old movie buffs will find a treasure trove from which to select for viewing. Classic movies are a great way to "zone out" or "rezone" into a time frame loved and remembered. Another great point is that those with a historical base truly do put a more enlightened perspective on the present.

Once you experience the classic movie schedule, it will entice you to look forward to programming to be aired that fits your own personal preferences. With the classic movie guide in one hand and the remote control in the other, all you need do is push the button for a wonderful classic movie scheduling experience.

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about turner classic movies schedule [], please visit My Turner Classic Movies [] for current articles and discussions.

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0 Watch Football on TV By Sadie Backhurst

Football doesn't have the distinction of being known as the big American hobby, but it surely should and with excellent reason. The game play is challenging, it is a way to gather the family, grow team spirit in high schools, Colleges, Universities and Communities rooting for a particular squad sets their respective campuses and localities ablaze with squad colors, tail gating parties and assemblies. Following your favorite team by showing up at every game can get pricey. With airplane fares for out of state games, and the price of season tickets if your team goes all the way to the finals will make you rack up a pretty hefty fan tab (and we haven't even gotten to the price of memorabilia). It is also impossible to get tickets to major game days such as the Super Bowl. Following a team or just catching up with local and out of state games gets much easier and a whole lot cheaper when you can watch football on TV.

Football TV schedules

The first thing you will need to know are the local schedules for games you are interested in. For professional games, has the most extensive listing of all Pre, Regular and Post season games and yearly matchups. lists the shows by date time and channel so that you will never miss a game.

A little well known resource that is growing in popularity is the506. It gives maps that give the game areas and football TV schedules for the NFL season for FOX and CBS. It was created by a fan who acquires the data from, and and The maps are revised on Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon for that weekend's games. With updates and corrections on Friday if required.

ESPN is certainly a one stop resource for everything football related. The only problem with viewing their website is that they will only list the schedules for their own network. Their site conveniently gives game outcomes, game spotlights, articles and bios on stars and up and comers as well as the all important schedules. There are fun features such as countdown clocks to the NFL draft and contests and special sections that let fans win tickets to various games.

Besides ESPN, College football teams get a little harder to follow on TV, especially if you are in a different state from your home team and can t get regular updates from local radio and stations and papers. Games from smaller schools may be broadcast on local college stations while fans of popular universities such as Louisiana State, Penn State, and Ohio State can watch games on major network stations such as ESPN, COX and CBSC. Game schedules can be found on the each particular teams website, usually listed by Time, Network and the in some instances the play back schedule in case you miss the live broadcast. ABC, NBC, TBS and FOX will also broadcast college games; their schedules are also available on their respective websites.
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0 Online Broadcasting Education Opportunities By Renata McGee

The world of communication opens various avenues to pursue for an education. Online education opportunities are making it easier for individuals who need more flexibility to obtain a degree. A broadcasting degree can be obtained from many online accredited colleges, and can prepare students to enter the workforce by teaching them how to be a vital member of the communications industry. There are a number of things to learn prior to enrolling in an educational program.

1. Most online colleges offer degree distinctions for dedicated individuals from an associate's to a bachelor's degree. Some schools go a step further and give the option for students to attend a graduate program. Many of the graduate programs allow students to obtain a master's degree in broadcast journalism. Through each level of education students will learn the ins and outs of news dissemination using audio and video to relay information to an audience.

2. Many of the online distance learning programs provide students with a thorough curriculum. Online broadcasting programs specifically focus their courses to teach students the foundations of the industry, and allow them to experience the fast paced world of technology as it relates to communication through broadcasting. Many of the courses will help students by training them in media issues, production of audio, entertainment, production of video, videography, editing, and more. These skills will help a degree holding individual in the job market because the broadcasting side of communications centers on the knowledge of technology to present news. The ability to use technology to present media in an interesting way is an important factor that online colleges teach in their programs.

3. Students can gain a bachelor's degree in broadcasting from a wide range of online schools. Some colleges specifically focus on the broadcasting degree making each class incredibly focused on the subject. In programs where the main focus is on the broadcasting side of communication courses may be longer, but the program will consist of fewer courses. A student may enroll in a program like this that has 14 courses. These courses can include radio and TV operations, broadcast journalism and news, public relation strategies, and more. Many bachelor's degree programs take four years to complete. However, online courses are taken at an individual pace and some students could finish the program in less time.

4. A four-year program or bachelors' program will prepare students in a variety of ways. In the first year, students will learn about the history, organization, TV, radio, and Internet technologies that make up the industry. This basis is essential for students to understand how all media works together to create broadcasting. The second year of education will have students diving into writing, production, sound design, and more. These aspects will be crucial to show students what it is they will be doing in their chosen career. In the remaining two years students will work in a variety of ways to create examples of their work to be used in a professional portfolio. A portfolio is important because it provides samples of your work to potential employers.

Gaining an accredited online education in broadcasting leaves multiple career options open. Broadcasting includes a wide range of jobs like TV reporting, sports reporting, camera work, audio work, and much more. Accreditation is provided to schools and colleges that meet certain criteria. Full accreditation can provide proof that a quality education is available. Agencies like The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training ( and other agencies are approved to accredit educational training programs. Don't let your passion of technology or news pass you by. Search online colleges for a program that fits your career goals.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERIC OUTLINE and may or may not depict precise methods, courses and/or focuses related to ANY ONE specific school(s) that may or may not be advertised at

Copyright 2010 - All rights reserved by

Renata McGee is a staff writer for Visit to locate Online Broadcasting Schools and Colleges that provide the education you're looking for., your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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0 The Top 10 Advantages of Satellite TV By Ross D Taylor

It's affordable, it looks great, and it's a great alternative to the cable companies. It's satellite TV! Is it really better than cable, or is it just the same? Let's take a look at a Top 10 list of the best reasons to switch to satellite.
  • The picture quality is fantastic! With some channels, especially HD Pay Per View broadcasting their signal at 1080p, the image on satellite television looks amazing. Cable seems to use a lot of compression on their signal and you can see some macro blocks when watching fast moving scenes or very dark scenes.
  • Better Equipment! In reliability and responsiveness, the Motorola DVR boxes many cable companies use stink, and the option to use TiVO with satellite makes it a much better option. The standard DVR boxes the satellite companies provide are better as well.
  • Better installers! Over the years I've moved a lot, and hands down, the installers from satellite companies are just plain better! Maybe it's because a lot of them are independent contractors who rely on their own success, but I always have a better experience.
  • Cheaper! Introductory deals last longer, and even after, the price is much better when you stack up the two services.
  • More content! Satellite offers more specialty content you might not get with cable, such as the Setanta soccer channel.
  • International Content! With satellite, you've got way more choices for international content for households with people who speak languages other than English. The "Latino" packages from Dish rival TV services in Mexico for Hispanic content!
  • Remote Programming! On most satellite providers, you can program the DVR remotely using mobile phone! You can't do that with cable.
  • Remote Viewing! Dish's new DVD comes with the Slingbox capability to watch your home television away from home over a high speed internet connection.
  • Google TV! Dish is the first partner to work with Google TV for an innovative viewing experience.
  • More choices and a la carte programming! With cable your stuck paying for a lot of stuff you don't even watch. Satellite lets you pick from a large number of programming packages.
And that's it! 10 great reasons why satellite TV is a clear winner!
Ross Taylor is an expert author with more than 10 years experience in internet copy-writing. Ross has a wide range of interests varying from internet marketing to very specific niches like Tennis Elbow Injury prevention. See this link for ways to cure a tennis elbow injury with no surgery.
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0 Regenerating the Green Child By Rose Mary Mcgregor

One of the strongest motivations for eco-tourism should be the influences it can have on our children. I asked a CEO of one of the top carbon reducing company in the world, what was the best way to change people's behavior and thinking on "going green". His answered saying we have to educate the children. Whether this is taught in the schools or Cub or Girl Scouts, these children will be the shepherds of the future.
In their wide-eyed innocence they will go home and ask, "Mom, we learned about recycling today. Do we do that?" If allowed, they will then either: teach, insist or correct the home behavior. Unfortunately, culture and population growth have been producing a succession of generations with less and less regard for nature. Also, there is less and less nature in many places to be appreciated.
Appreciation comes from being in Nature and the first five years of one's life are vital for brain development. In those early years the brain is deciding which neurons to keep and which to discard... "Use it or loose it" as they say. Do we want our children to have brains that are global and one with the world or segmented into "Lego" or "Barbie" mentality? Toys, kinds of play and exposure are critical.
The early environment that provides a rich-multi-sensory experience allows the brain to develop its integrative capacities....integration and regulation of sensory information. Pleasurable experiences are the catalyst in developing the biological foundation for emotional-social-sexual intelligence. Brain growth is truly experience dependent. A change in your environment equals a change in the brain. Our body evolved in a rich multi-sensory natural environment and expects to be fed rich multi-sensory experiences. Three dimensional experiences enrich the brain's development significantly over a two dimensional symbolic abstract screen (computers and TV).
Today's graduates in terms of social, emotional and imaginative capacities are no match for the graduates of earlier generations. They are sensorially deprived.
I grew up in the tropical jungles of Sumatra, Indonesia. Our typical day was as follows: We got up when we felt like it (usually around 7), had a good healthy breakfast, spent 1 ½ hours in our home schooling course, Calvert School out of Maryland, went to the Club pool until lunch time, came home, had a big lunch, and when our parents took a nap around one pm, we kids got together to invent, play and explore. This was our time and we did everything from playing canasta with 12 decks to slipping through the tiger grass outside our home to go down to the stream to find new species of tropical fish to bring home to our fish tank.
In the afternoon our father came home from work and we had tea like the British out in our outdoor teahouse. Then we went for a family game of golf. We did not have television. The clubhouse offered two movies a week, Wednesday night and Saturday. As a large social group we met on those nights at the club house for dinner (we all chipped in) and then watched whichever movie we had been sent. It could have been Hop-a-long Cassidy or Ben Hur. That didn't matter. We were a social entity enjoying and laughing at the craziness or wonder of the movie.
We lived in nature. My father was a rubber planter for Goodyear rubber and our home was surrounded by huge trees covered with orchids and our yard was full of tropical flowers. What are my favorite memories of my childhood? They are not television, recess, my computer or my Ipod. They are my experiences in nature: the pool in the jungle, my little 1 yard square garden my dad helped me grow, my chickens, "Donald" the white duck that followed me around, the tree we climb and held meetings in, the wonder of the new orchid my Dad grew. And yes, even picking leeches off ourselves, trying to avoid snakes, centipedes and other creepy insects, being at awe at the tiger tracks in our backyard banana patch, experiencing thunder and lightening, collecting huge toads in a pond, observing frog eggs hatch into pollywogs, waiting for the chickens to hatch and so on. I remember them all, good, bad, and scary and appreciate each for the lesson it taught. To this day these are my stories.
Our family time consisted of bicycling into the jungle via dirt roads, going with our father to discover a pool laced in the jungle undergrowth, playing golf, building things from scratch, and improvising.
In our modern society, the experiences of nature are vanishing. What can you do? While there are many options from joining nature organizations, green movements, taking a nature break, moving to a nature place, influencing your schools to teach nature curriculums, doing a family nature adventure each weekend, this article is about living in Nature or taking a Nature vacation.
Due to my childhood experience in Sumatra, I found I greatly missed the "green" in my life. I up and sold everything and moved to Costa Rica. I feel in love and mostly with the opportunity to return to be able to relive the moments in my life of my greatest happiness's.
Tres Rios de Coronado on the South Coast is a place that embodies that natural genius of my childhood, a place of natural spirit and spirits. I am an adult now (in years at least) and yet I am back in the wonder of my gardens around my Ecolodge, the sometimes roaring river below me after a heavy rain, the many animal sounds that bless my soul from morning to night, and in fact, all night. We are constantly in wonder as to what bug is making this or that noise. One of my favorites is delving into eco-tours (with the sprit of the young at heart) for that different or unusual flower, fern or plant for my collection. We enjoy walking the beaches and exploring the caves at low tide or snorkeling off Caรฑo Island, one of the best places in the world to snorkel, or surfing in Dominical Beach. This is of course, after a boat ride through 25 miles of the world's third largest mangrove area in the world and seeing the bats on trees, snakes, and caiman on the banks, unusual birds and thick jungles off to the OSA Peninsula side. After the mangroves, there is the experience of crossing the bar from river to ocean and then hoping to see the giant turtles pass the boat as well as pods of dolphins, maybe even a humpback whale. For the braver, jumping into the ocean waters and swimming in the ocean 50 miles off the coast. For those lovers of fresh mountain waters, climbing up one of our numerous rivers (Tres Rios) through boulders to discover as one climbs further and further up, natural river pools and bigger and bigger waterfalls.
The ecotourism in Costa Rica is full of positive activities for children and adults that are available here. There are many more, such as zip-lining through the jungle canopy, river-rafting, ocean fishing, eating and exploring new food in the markets, horseback riding up into the hills or along the beaches, and visiting to open aired fresh produce markets.
We live much off our land as well. Our foods are fresh and whole. We have: pineapples, papaya, guyaba, avocado, cashew, lemon/orange trees, water apple, rambutan, and yucca plants. There are numerous plants that offer us cures for many ailments as well. I have not seen a child in Costa Rica with a runny nose. My worker's son, at age 6 went to the local school for kinder-garden and was never sick the whole year. This is the land of health and longevity.
I have observed several gutsy families who have brought their children to raise them in this environment and decided to home-school them. I am amazed at the intelligence of these children. One of my friend's child who is 11 years old has purchased 10 goats and is learning animal husbandry, simple veterinary skills, how to make goat cheese and simply being responsible. Another couple with two young girls ages 6 and 8 takes her children on endless adventure outings from zip-lining to botanical garden experiences. I observed these two girls and their two American friends who came to visit zipping out away from us full of confidence playing Tarzan over the canopy floor. I pictured the poor child in civilization being hand-held and guarded by their parents for fear of being kidnapped, being run over by a car or whatever else they need to be protected from.
Outdoor activity in other environments has taken a back seat today to television, video games, the computer, and a demanding work schedule. Solution: Change your life and the way you are living it. Get outdoors, travel, camp, explore, create outdoor hobbies, garden and so on. Be one with nature!
Rosemary MacGregor is an enthusiastic promotor of Ecotourism in Costa Rica. She feels small, rural tourism is the key to preserving the eco-system as well as maintaining it at the level of of appreciation for sincere ecotourist Costa Rica. Her interest extends from preserving the archeological findings to training the young and educating the peoples in the rural villages.
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watching cinema movie with tv online is popular today
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0 Uses of Signal Analyzer For OTA, CATV, and Satellite By Patrick Stox

Uses of Signal Analyzer For OTA, CATV, and Satellite
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0 The Features of the MSK200 Signal Analyzer By Patrick Stox

Since LBA introduced the Kathrein MSK-200 TV Signal Analyzer to the Americas last year, it has been enthusiastically welcomed by TV engineers. As an economical portable or fixed 6 'n 1 digital signal test solution it was without compare. And we have had extensive wish list feedback.
Now the German engineering wizards at Kathrein have added a whole galaxy of new features, as you requested, shipping immediately - Same old price!
• ATSC/8VSB analysis for new USA DTV signal standards
• MPEG-4 decoding and transport stream information
• Dolby AC-3 audio decoding/demodulation
• SMPTE-310 HD video analysis
• Automatic loop testing
• DVB-S2 satellite standard analysis capability
• Automatic channel scanning
• MER/BER/Signal-to-Noise automatic measurements
• And more.....
Here is an overview of the major new features and how they will make your engineering life easier.
ATSC/8VSB Decoding:
The MSK-200 has recently been updated to support and analyze the new USA DTV ATSC signal standard as well as measure and analyze 8VSB sideband modulation in real time. Broadcasters and Cable operators can now diagnose and repair issues in multi-path transmission. In addition, the MSK-200 can scan and find transport stream information for this new standard and allow broadcasters to find issues in PID, PMT-PID, PCR, CA and elementary stream ID's as well as decode video images and demodulate audio including Dolby AC-3. This is essential for installing, maintaining and repairing our new DTV signal standards.
MPEG-4 Decoding and Viewing:
The MSK-200 has always supported MPEG-2 streams. Now it does MPEG-4 decoding! MPEG-4 is especially important as it is used for compressing different formats (audio/video/speech). Key features of MPEG-4 are improved coding efficiency, robust transmission, enhanced bit rate usage and compressed services. MPEG-4 is also playing a large role in new HD technologies such as blue-ray. Now the MSK-200 can decode and view video and audio for picture and audio quality analysis.
Dolby AC-3 Audio Demodulation:
New digital audio formats can now be demodulated and listened to while viewing the image. The MSK-200 becomes a major aid in real-time transmission quality control. The AC-3 audio format is prominent on HD TV and MPEG-4.
SMPTE-310 HD Analysis:
The MSK-200 now allows viewing and analysis of transport streams using SMPTE-310 for HD video. It can display video and decode audio to measure HD streams and signals and provide transport stream information.
Automatic CATV Loop Testing:
This new feature will help Cable engineers to measure ingress from headend to subscriber for signal quality issues. CATV systems need to test nodes for proper distribution of signals to customers and loop testing will allow for these measurements to be made and ensure functionality from headend to customer and provide RF information.
DVB-S2 Satellite Standard Monitoring:
The MSK-200 now supports the new generation of the older DVB-S broadcast standard for high definition via satellite. This is especially helpful in transmitting HDTV satellite news gathering content back to the station. When compression is added, DVB-S2 allows for MPEG-4 services to be delivered. DVB-S2 performs about 30% better than the previous DVB-S standard. Now you can analyze and monitor these streams in real time.
Automatic Channel Scanning:
Automatic channel scanning enhances a user's ability to customize their own channel plan in the MSK-200 for quick access to each carrier, channel and frequency of interest. Users can program modulation symbol rates, frequencies, associated channels, satellites and transponders, so each can be accessed quickly eliminating the need for repetitive manual parameter entry. This is a real time saver- even better, you can download and select multiple channel programs!
MER/BER/Signal-to-Noise Automatic Measurements:
Now signal quality measurements are automatically displayed during measurements to show MER, BER Pre and Post Viterbi and Signal-to-Noise levels. This allows for users to monitor essential quality levels while making using most measurements in the MSK-200.
Patrick S is the author of this article.
Click to find out more about the MSK200 Signal Analyzer.
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0 Merchant account

Merchant account

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows businesses to accept payments by debit or credit cards. A merchant account also serves as an agreement between a retailer, a merchant bank and payment processor for the settlement of credit card and/or debit card transactions.

Methods of processing credit cards

Today a majority of credit card transactions are sent electronically to merchant processing banks for authorization, capture and deposit. Various methods exist for presenting a credit card sale to "the system." In all circumstances either the entire magnetic strip is read by a swipe through a credit card terminal/reader, a computer chip is read, or the credit card information is manually entered into a credit card terminal, a computer or website. The earliest methods, submitting credit card slips to a merchant processing bank by mail, or by accessing an Automated Response Unit (ARU) by telephone, are still in use today but have long been overshadowed by electronic devices. These early methods used two-part forms and a manual device for mechanically imprinting the embossed card number information onto the forms.

[edit] Credit card terminal

A typical credit card terminal that is still popular today.
A credit card terminal is a stand-alone piece of electronic equipment that allows a merchant to swipe or key-enter a credit card's information as well as additional information required to process a credit card transaction. A credit card terminal is a dedicated piece of equipment that only processes credit cards although it is common for related transactions including gift cards and check verification to also be performed. A credit card terminal typically must be plugged in to a power supply and connected to a telephone line. However, some terminals may be powered by batteries, communicate over the Internet or through the cellular phone networks. When a credit card is processed (either swiped through the magnetic stripe reader or keyed in to the keypad), it contacts the network to verify if the credit card can be authorized. The transaction is then stored on the machine until the polling window is opened. The machine will either upload the electronic funds directly to the merchant bank, or a polling service provider will dial in to collect, process then submit the data to the merchant bank. The most popular credit card terminals consist of a modem, keypad, printer, magnetic stripe reader, power supply and memory card. They have had the same basic design since the 1980s. As with computers, there is a wide range of memory capacities and other features like built-in printers and debit card pinpads that affect the manufacturing cost of a credit card terminal.

[edit] Automated Response Unit (ARU)

An ARU (also known as a voice authorization, capture and deposit) allows the manual keyed entry and subsequent authorization of a credit card over a cellular or land-line telephone. With this method a merchant typically imprints their customer's card with an imprinter to create a customer receipt and merchant copy, then process the transaction instantaneously over the phone.

[edit] Payment gateway

A payment gateway is an e-commerce service that authorizes payments for e-businesses and online retailers. It is the equivalent of a physical POS (point-of-sale) terminal located in most retail outlets. A merchant account provider is typically a separate company from the payment gateway. Some merchant account providers have their own payment gateways but the majority of companies use 3rd party payment gateways. The gateway usually has 2 components: a) the virtual terminal that can allow for a merchant to securely login and key in credit card numbers or b) have the website's shopping-cart connect to the gateway via an API to allow for real time processing from the merchant's website.

[edit] Level 2 or Level 3 Processing - Purchasing Cards

Visa and Mastercard have created a specialized type of credit card used primarily by government agencies and businesses. Increasingly, corporations and government agencies are relying on this form of payment to compensate their service providers and suppliers. Businesses benefit by receiving their funds quickly and by winning competitive bids and government contracts where purchasing cards are the required form of payment. The downside, however, is the increased costs associated with receiving these payments. These costs will usually be much higher than accepting a standard consumer credit card.
The solution is that some businesses may qualify for ways to process these transactions that allow them to pay lower fees if they can supply additional information, called "level 2 or level 3 data". For example, if government transactions are over $5,000, businesses can significantly reduce their transaction costs by including "level 2 or level 3 data" about the purchase along with each transaction. Examples of level 2 or level 3 data is a purchase order number associated with the transaction that the credit card will be paying. This data is passed on to the purchaser so that it may be many times easier to reconcile the transaction. If all the required data is not collected and passed on during the transaction, the merchant can have surcharges added to the basic fees or be forced into a non qualified transaction category.

[edit] Merchant Account Marketing

Merchant accounts are marketed to merchants by two basic methods: either directly by the processor or sponsoring bank, or by an authorized agent for the bank and additionally directly registered with both Visa and MasterCard as an ISO/MSP (Independent Selling Organization / Member Service Provider). Marketing details are by card issuers like Visa and MasterCard, and are enforced by various rules and fines. A few of the largest processors also partner with warehouse clubs to promote merchant accounts to their business members, such as NovaMerchantFunding.

[edit] Marketing by Banks

A bank that has a merchant processing relationship with Visa and Mastercard, also known as a member bank, can issue merchant accounts directly to merchants. To reduce risk, some banks limit approval to merchants in its geographical area, those with a physical retail storefront, or those that have been in business for 2 years or more.

[edit] Marketing by Independent Sales Organization (ISO)/MSPs

To market merchant accounts, an ISO/MSP must be sponsored by a member bank. This sponsorship requires that the bank verify the financial stability and suitability of the company that will be marketing on its behalf. The ISO/MSP must also pay a fee to be registered with Visa and Mastercard and must comply with regulations in how they may market merchant accounts and the use of copyrights of Visa and Mastercard. One way to verify if an ISO/MSP is in compliance is to check a website or any other marketing material for a disclosure "company is a registered ISO/MSP of bank, town, state. FDIC insured". This disclosure is required by both Visa and Mastercard and will cause a fine of up to $25,000 if it is not clearly visible. In almost all cases, if there is no disclosure, the company is likely to be an uninformed 4th party or worse. In many cases unregistered operators have been responsible for some of the worst horror stories from merchants.

[edit] Rates and fees

A Merchant Account has a variety of fees, some periodic, others charged on a per-item or percentage basis. Some fees are set by the merchant account provider, but the majority of the per-item and percentage fees are passed through the merchant account provider to the credit card issuing bank according to a schedule of rates called interchange fees, which are set by Visa and Mastercard. Interchange fees vary depending on card type and the circumstances of the transaction. For example, if a transaction is made by swiping a card through a credit card terminal it will be in a different category than if it were keyed in manually.

[edit] Discount Rates

The discount rate comprises a number of dues, fees, assessments, network charges and mark-ups merchants are required to pay for accepting credit and debit cards, the largest of which by far is the Interchange fee. Each bank or ISO/MLS has real costs in addition to the wholesale interchange fees, and creates profit by adding a mark-up to all the fees mentioned above. There are a number of price models banks and ISOs/MLSs use to bill merchants for the services rendered. Here are the more popular price models:

[edit] 3-Tier Pricing

The 3-Tier Pricing is the most popular pricing method and the simplest system for most merchants, although the new 6-Tier Pricing is gaining in popularity. In 3-Tier Pricing, the merchant account provider groups the transactions into 3 groups (tiers) and assigns a rate to each tier based on a criterion established for each tier.
[edit] First Tier - Qualified Rate
A qualified rate is the percentage rate a merchant will be charged whenever they accept a regular consumer credit card and process it in a manner defined as "standard" by their merchant account provider using an approved credit card processing solution. This is usually the lowest rate a merchant will incur when accepting a credit card. The qualified rate is also the rate commonly quoted to a merchant when they inquire about pricing. The qualified rate is created based on the way a merchant will be accepting a majority of their credit cards. For example, for an internet merchant, the internet interchange categories will be defined as non-Qualified, while for a physical retailer only transactions swiped through or read by their terminal in an ordinary manner will be defined as Qualified.
[edit] Second Tier - Mid-qualified Rate
Also known as a partially qualified rate, the mid-qualified rate is the percentage rate a merchant will be charged whenever they accept a credit card that does not qualify for the lowest rate (the qualified rate). This may happen for several reasons such as:
  • A consumer credit card is keyed into a credit card terminal instead of being swiped
  • A special kind of credit card is used like a rewards card or business card
A mid-qualified rate is higher than a qualified rate. Some of the transactions that are usually grouped into the Mid-Qualified Tier can cost the provider more in interchange costs, so the merchant account providers do make a markup on these rates.
The use of "rewards cards" can be as high as 40% of transactions. So it is important that the financial impact of this fee be understood. So therefore, merchants will be charged the qualified plus the mid qualified rate. Example) If your qualified rate is 1.5% and the mid qualified rate is 1 %, your effective rate would be 2.5 %.
[edit] Third Tier - Non-qualified Rate
The non-qualified rate is usually the highest percentage rate a merchant will be charged whenever they accept a credit card. In most cases all transactions that are not qualified or mid-qualified will fall to this rate. This may happen for several reasons such as:
  • A consumer credit card is keyed into a credit card terminal instead of being swiped and address verification is not performed
  • A special kind of credit card is used like a business card and all required fields are not entered
  • A merchant does not settle their daily batch within the allotted time frame, usually past 48 hours from time of authorization.
A non-qualified rate can be significantly higher than a qualified rate and can cost the provider much more in interchange costs, so the merchant account providers do make a markup on these rates.

[edit] 6-Tier Pricing

As a result of the Wal-Mart Settlement and to compete against PIN-based debit cards (which are processed outside of the Visa and Mastercard networks), Visa and Mastercard lowered the interchange rates for debit cards well below those for credit cards. Some providers can pass on the lower cost of these cards directly to merchants. Consequently, the 3 tiers programs have added 2 classifications for debit cards that are processed without a PIN or with a PIN for a total of 6 rate classifications.

[edit] Interchange Plus Pricing

Some providers offer merchant account services priced on an "interchange plus" basis. These accounts are based on the "interchange" tables published by both Visa Visa Interchange and MasterCard MasterCard Interchange. This type of pricing creates a discount rate by adding interchange rates, fees, assessments, markups and other costs.

[edit] Bill Backs

A bill back is a relatively new price model and a variation on interchange plus pricing. It has some variations but the basic concept is that the merchant pays interchange on the statement that the transactions took place and then pay all other fees, like dues, fees and assessments, etc on the next month's statement. It requires a great deal of time to research the actual cost per transaction with the bill back system. Some merchants feel this form of pricing is very misleading.[who?]

[edit] Other Fees

[edit] Authorization fee

The Authorization fee (actually an authorization request fee) is charged each time a transaction is sent to the card-issuing bank to be authorized. The fee applies whether or not the request is approved. Note this is not the same as Transaction fee or Per Item fee.

[edit] Statement fee

The statement fee is a monthly fee associated with the monthly statement that is sent to the merchant at the end of each monthly processing cycle. This statement shows how much processing was done by the merchant during the month and what fees were incurred as a result.
Many times, the statement fee is not directly linked to "paper" statements but rather general overhead. This means that a provider would not waive this fee if a merchant chose to have a "paperless" statement.

[edit] Monthly minimum fee

The monthly minimum fee is a way to ensure that merchants pay a minimum amount in fees each month to cover costs from the provider to maintain the account and to create minimal profits. If a merchant's qualified fees do not equal or exceed the monthly minimum they will be charged up to the monthly minimum to satisfy their minimum fee requirements.
Example: A merchant has signed a contract with a $25.00 monthly minimum fee. If all the fees for the most recent month of processing total only $15.00, this merchant will be charged an additional $10.00 to meet their monthly minimum requirements. Sometimes there are fees that are charged that are not a part of the monthly minimum, such as statement fees. It is industry standard to charge a monthly minimum.

[edit] Batch fee

A batch fee (also known as a batch header fee) can be charged to a merchant whenever the merchant "settles" their terminal. Settling a terminal, also known as "batching", is when a merchant sends their completed transactions for the day to their acquiring bank for payment. Some providers perform this automatically. It is important to close a batch every 24 hours or a higher rate will be assessed by Visa or Mastercard.

[edit] Customer Service fee

The customer service fee (also known as a maintenance fee) can be charged by some providers to pay for the cost of customer service.

[edit] Annual fee

The Annual fee can be charged by some providers to pay for costs of maintaining the merchant's account. Sometimes these fees can be quarterly. The fee can be from $79–$399.

[edit] Early Termination fee

The early termination fee can be charged by some providers if the merchant ends the contract before the end of the contract term. While contract terms of 1–3 years are typical, some providers have terms of up to 5 years with a one year prior notice to cancel or the fee will be assessed. Some providers also assess all statement fees and monthly minimums remaining when the contract is terminated. Some providers may also assess a "lost profit" fee based on an assumption of profits they concluded they would have earned during the full term of the contract.

[edit] Chargeback fee

The chargeback is the largest risk that is presented to banks and providers. This is not to be confused with a refund, which is simply a merchant refunding a transaction. In the Visa and Mastercard rules, the merchant's processing bank is 100% responsible for all the transactions that the merchant performs. This can leave the provider open to millions of dollars of potential losses if the merchant operates in an illegal or risky manner and generates many chargebacks. The providers pass this cost on to the merchant, but if the merchant is fraudulent or simply does not have the money, the provider must pay all the costs to make the card holder whole. The chargeback risk is the largest part taken into consideration during the contract application and underwriting process. Some banks are many times more stringent than others when assessing a merchant's chargeback risk.
If a merchant encounters a chargeback they may be assessed a fee by their acquiring bank. A potential chargeback is presented on behalf of the card holder's bank to the merchant's credit card processing bank. A reason code is established by the card issuer to properly identify the type of potential chargeback based on the card holder's complaint. The most common complaint is that the card holder can not remember the transaction. Usually, these potential chargebacks are corrected when the merchant's processing bank sends over more details about the transaction. Some providers charge a fee for this service, known as a "Retrieval Request". A chargeback can also be related to a fraud or similar dispute that the card holder is claiming to the merchant. This fee can be charged by some providers whether the chargeback is successful or not and is not dependent on the amount of the chargeback.
Currently both Visa and Mastercard require all merchants to maintain no more than 1% of dollar volume processed to be chargebacks. If the percentage goes above, there are fines starting at $5000 – $25,000 to the merchant's processing bank and ultimately passed on to the merchant.
In all cases, a chargeback will cost the merchant the chargeback fee, typically $15–$30, plus the cost of the transaction and the amount processed.
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